The Friends of St Mildred’s is a secular body whose aim is raising funds to assist the PCC with the heavy cost of upkeep and preservation of Tenterden’s Grade 1 listed parish church. We have full charitable status and approval to operate Gift Aid. Our aim is to attract funds from members and others who have an interest in Tenterden and its historic church.
The financial objects of the Friends are to raise money by:
Subscriptions. The annual subscription is £15 (or any higher amount) per annum paid by Standing Order.
Donations are always very acceptable whether personal or from businesses.
Bequests made by members or friends.
Sponsorship by businesses.
Planning events and activities in order to create a surplus.
Claiming Gift Aid from HMRC on Subscriptions and Donations.
As at August 2023 the Friends had raised over £190,000 after expenses and allocated funds for the upkeep of the Church Fabric of over £101,000.
Funds Allocated
Regular discussions with St Mildred’s PCC are held and a procedure agreed in order to determine which maintenance works FOSM is best able to support. FOSM have contributed towards the cost of urgent work on the tower, roof works, stained glass windows, Stonework repairs and upgrade the lightning protection.
For further detail, please see the AGM papers please click here
For the signed accounts 2022-2023 please click here
For the signed Independent Examiners Report please click here
Registered Charity: 1159264